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Your student wants to go to college? What a great opportunity for you!
足球比分网 knows that the hardest thing about being a parent, guardian, or other caring adult of an all-knowing, unique-styled, authority-questioning adolescent is letting go of those little hands. The truth is, that it is time for them to grow up and face the real world and sometimes, just sometimes, parents, guardians, or other caring adults don’t have all the answers. Read though our helpful tips to find out how you are supported in this process, and that the real winner is the family!
So, What’s in it For Them?
Did you know that someone with a bachelor’s degree can make up to a million dollars more than someone with a high school diploma over their lifetime? Facts, are facts. Education pays in so many ways:
- It makes them feel accomplished and determined to take on their bright future
- They make connections and meet new people (and potential people to provide employment after college)
- They gain knowledge that you couldn’t gain anywhere else but through a university experience (in the classroom and from experiences like study abroad where they will have the chance to study in a different country!)
- And last, but certainly not least, they will reap what they sow. The more education they attain, the higher their salary becomes.
Ask your student to check out the Getting Started tab to learn more about how education pays.
So, What’s in it For You?
Ok, so you already knew all of that. But, aside from this being a great opportunity for your student to better their future and fulfill life time goals, you, as a supporter, automatically benefit by 100% . Here is what we mean,
- It makes you feel accomplished and fulfilled that you led them on the right path
- You will have the opportunity to see your student grow, learn, fall and pick themselves back up again and ultimately succeed (that’s our favorite part)
- You have the opportunity to show off your student’s accomplishments, especially if they are the first in your family to go to college
- With their success comes family success. Everyone will feel pride for their accomplishments: nana, gramps, Uncle Joe, even spike the family turtle can feel proud of their family’s success!
How to Help Your Student
There are plenty of things you can do to help your student during their educational journey. We realize time, and money are never in abundance around here (what’s up with that) but we do know that your love and care for this students is there by the bunches! Hey, you were their age once too, (keep saying that, it annoys the bejeepers out of them). Follow this check list to ask yourself, “Have you schooled your student today?”
- Hug, smooch, and bake them cookies! Students need to feel the love in this tedious college preparation process. Keep doing what you are doing to make them feel special and supported in their life goals.
- Be a part of the PTA or other parent involvement programs and learn about how to better support your student. Visit their college center or online portal to keep up with their development. Ask teachers or counselors how they are doing. Knowledge-filled parents, guardians and other caring adults have the power!
- Sit with your student at least 20 minutes (preferably more) a day and go over homework, school work, projects or reading assignments, especially in math and English. Seeing as you are THE Superman/woman, establish a time in your day to devote to one or all of the students that you mentor and battle for!
- Keep up with important university application deadlines, scholarships, grants, and other graduation specific information. Help your students understand the art of being an adult and having to do your adult things in a timely manner such as pay bills, car registrations, rent, and doctor appointments. They’ll get it someday but for now, they need as much help as they can get!
- Support their dreams and goals. Let your student talk to you about their dreams and goals and be reasonable in hearing them out. Students at this age want to explore and learn more about their future options. Have a conversation about how you will support their decisions but also let them know in what ways you want to see them grow.
- Be the un-cool parent once in a while. Set curfew, assign job duties or chores, set reasonable and appropriate rules. Colleges can pin point a mama-raised-you-right student as soon as she/he walks in. Teach your student the life skills they will need to be successful in college today and you will be saving them from many a roommate battle.
- Set a good example. Now-a-days, students are influenced in so many ways. You could potentially be the greatest role model your student will ever have. Teach them how you work hard to pull your family forward and they will gain motivation to do it themselves.
Explore universityculture.org with your student, today! Here you will find information on the A-G college entrance requirements, college entrance exams, the four types of colleges and universities in California and great information on financial aid.
We want you and your family to feel profoundly supported throughout this process, and we invite you to call or email us with your specific and oh-so not-silly questions. We wish you the best of luck in your preparation for university culture in your home. Together, you will succeed!