


High School Students

Get Involved

Ready, set, VOLUNTEER! Universities seek well-rounded students who are willing to contribute to our community. Learn how to make your university app look great with sports involvement, club leadership, and volunteer work.

Get up and Move: Join a Sport

Volleyball, basketball, football, golf: you have so many options to show us your stuff! Sports involvement is a great way to show colleges and universities that you are a team player, you are active and engaged on your school campus and you are committed to school spirit. Make sure to outline ways in which you stood out as a head player, captain, student coach or any other leadership opportunities on your team. Ask your coach how you can also obtain scholarships for your talent in the sport you play. This is a great way to have fun and get ready for college at the same time.

Join… no, start a club!

Clubs and organizations at your high school will typically help you learn new things or practice what you already have a passion for. Colleges and universities want to see the ways in which you gave back to your school, practiced being a stellar leader, helped others on and off your campus, raised awareness about social justice issues, practiced a talent, or even ways in which you embraced diversity at your high school. Many clubs offer these opportunities and more. Check out your student clubs and organization office to learn more about the clubs and organization you can join today!

Have a Heart: Volunteer

Volunteering will be the single most important activity you can do to prepare for college besides your academic successes. Offering your time and effort to a cause, a group of people, an organization, or even in your own home proves that you have what it takes to make our world a better place. Make sure to complete as many volunteer hours as you can in meaningful activities to you. Look for a hospital, non-profit organization, pre-school, church, elderly care facility, city of commerce, or local festivals and fairs that can use your help! It’s a win-win situation!